Bacup Nursery School
Bacup Nursery School Curriculum
Curriculum Objectives
1. To provide all pupils with equal access to a rich, broad, balance and differentiated curriculum well matched to their ages, abilities, interests, attitudes and needs.
2.To increase pupils' knowledge, skills and understanding as they grow and develop and strengthen their connections with the world around them.
3. To ensure the curriculum is creative, carefully planned and structured to ensure that the learning is continuous and that pupils make good progress in the development of their learning, with language and vocabulary at the centre of all we do.
4. To engage the children's interest by offering excellent opportunities to extend creative learning, challenge imagination, value uniqueness, and to encourage and motivate them to learn.
5. To provide pupils with lots of exciting, first hand experiences that immerse children in the world around them to reinforce their learning and to underpin their growing knowledge, skills and understanding.
6. To facilitate awe and wonder and cause pupils to see the wonderful world in which they live.
7. To provide pupils with a curriculum which enables them to develop their talents, skills and a love of learning.
Implementation (Please contact the school for Bacup Nursery School Progression Documents)
Our curriculum has been designed by qualified teachers. Bacup Nursery School teachers work closely with highly skilled and qualified teaching assistants to provide learning opportunities that are exciting and engage awe and wonder into the children's lives and improve the quality of education they receive. Our curriculum is broad, ambitious, challenging, unique, planned, with new experiences and sequential.
Our curriculum starts with children at the centre of all that we do. Children enter nursery school with varying abilities and experiences, and we recognise that parents know their own child best. Key times are planned to support the transition into nursery school such as open days, meetings with a key worker prior to the child starting in nursery and a presentation from the headteacher to parents so that they can find out more about our curriculum and support their child's learning at home.
Bacup Nursery School staff skilfully observe children and using their expert knowledge of child development and the characteristics of effective learning they sequence learning to ensure continuity and progression through a well planned curriculum that is constantly enhanced and enriched, and so that children become reflective and resilient learners.
Our learning environments, both indoor and outdoor, provide a safe place where children can develop, explore and investigate. Two year old children have their own learning environment where their needs can be met most effectively. Three and four year old children learn together, along with other areas throughout the school used purposefully to meet the sensory needs of children, to deliver specific interventions for identified children, and in the Summer term prior to children starting primary education increased planned learning challenges are provided that prepare children for the next stage in education.
The language development of each child is the core element of our curriculum. Good speaking and listening skills are the foundation for all other areas of learning, particularly reading, writing and maths. Nursery school staff model effective communication with children by commenting, asking open questions, modelling key vocabulary and introducing new words to enable children to become confident communicators. Quality texts from books and stories are used as starting points for our learning themes.
Our curriculum is further enriched with a variety of first hand experiences and links with the local community, and where children can develop an understanding of the world beyond their local community. Children enjoy forest school, music groups, dance sessions, yoga sessions, visits to the local Church, visits to and from a local farm, and local primary schools as part of enrichment. We value diversity and give children the foundation for anti-discriminatory values to take to other areas in their lives. Children see staff modelling positive attitudes, speech and behaviours. We use stories and books to promote and celebrate differences as we want children to understand, accept and respect others.
How We Teach Reading
How We Support Parents with their Child's Reading Development
How We Teach Writing
How We Support Parents with their Child's Writing Development
How We Teach Maths
How We Support Parents with their Child's Mathematical Development
The Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum (EYFS)
The EYFS starts from when a child is born until the end of the Reception Year in Primary School. There are 7 Areas of Learning. 3 Prime Areas of Learning and 4 Specific Areas of Learning:
Prime Areas
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Communication and Language
Physical Development
Specific Areas
Understanding the World
Expressive Art and Design
We use our sequences of learning to review children's progress and attainment. However, our well planned Curriculum is much more than this so that children's learning is enriched with exciting and challenging key learning opportunities. We place a strong focus on communication, stories and reading to ensure children can talk clearly and use quality texts from books for pleasure and finding information. We ensure children are well prepared for Primary School.
Curriculum School to School Support
Bacup Nursery School provides school to school support to a range of other schools and providers. Please contact the school if you would like to discuss this and book a visit for your school/ setting.
Exemplifications of Bacup Nursery School's Curriculum documents are available to purchase from the school. Please ring the school on 01706 873856 for further support.